So Much

… to write but this mind of mine can’t store it long enough for me to type it.

This week has been a disaster. A few mental meltdowns that combined have been nearly crippling physically. I’m living in a world that is simply too complicated for me. Enough of reality.

I had a pretty relaxing time with Bulleit today at the end of the road looking at the river and Mom. We left probably an hour prior to sunset but we arrived at 1pm-ish so some quality time was spent with a pretty tremendous view. I think Bulleit may have needed it as much as I as he didn’t seem to mind sitting in the shade with a cool breeze blowing. I read some Hemingway and dined on a few Pop tarts. The good stuff don’t you know.

Well here starts the part where I seem to have forgotten much of what I wanted to write about. I wish this wouldn’t always happen. /

Marty, you really need to get your act together.

Bulleit. Such a rebel. He saw the sign but chose to ignore it completely.

It’s Been Said… edit v3

If you can’t love yourself, how could you love another? Speaking from experience here, that first sentence/question is total bullshit! I’m married. I have been for closer to a half century than any other measure of time. I love my wife far more than she will ever know. The vows spoken by me weren’t some verbally choreographed line I just nodded to and said yes to without deep thought and an even deeper meaning. They were far more than that. Far more than a promise in some religious ceremony.

I’ve crawled into hell and back more than once for her and the 2 sons she brought into this world and I’d do it again without question. But in some of those journeys, there were things, thoughts, events, obstacles for lack of other words that needed to be overcome. I did what I thought needed to be done at the time. Things that only I will ever know.

I did what I had to do. I did what I thought at the time, was the right thing to do. I flew the damn plane! Mistakes? Yes. I made a few and some soul’s were lost but it landed with each of those souls/’decisions’ lost weighing heavily on me! All were not lost though! Was I perfect in everything I did? Sadly not, but I tried so very hard to do what I knew deep inside, was for the good of the many, and what was right. I’m more than willing to take the blame a hundred more times before I give the stick to another though. I simply did the best that I knew to do, at the time I did it.

I never promised perfection to anyone but I should have expected more from myself looking back. I’d never ask for sympathy and I’m not begging for understanding. I’m simply laying down the thoughts for my previous actions.

Maybe next time, I’ll just stay on the ground. Maybe next time I may love myself and be satisfied with my inaction from the new vantage point… but I doubt it.

The takeaway from it all. I’m no God damn Angel. And flying? It sucks to the Nth degree. More so when you’re the pilot. No more flying for me!

There Will Be A Few Posts

Back to back. I’m pounding them out as fast as I can. I just hope I don’t forget them, before I get to them. I just have to simplify my self interrogation sessions!

Since I was old enough to think in some philosophical manner, I’ve thought why am I here. Not to be confused with the meaning of life. That question was resolved long ago. It’s 42 btw. Seriously, look it up. And thanks for the fish too. Much appreciated.

Evolve from the ‘why am I’ question, to another much much deeper ‘should I be’? Am I living in a time that’s in tune to me or that I’m in tune to? Is it too simple? Or to my horror, to complex a time to be a part of?


I’ve had too many meltdowns, I’ve written many times about them. Here I am trying so hard to pull myself out of one, on the side of the road. I figured maybe I could write myself out of this one.

It’s not working well at all though as it’s too dark inside to write. This thing called existing is becoming more difficult by the day. Please fix yourself soon Marty, or soon there will be nothing left of you to fix.

As I stare out at Mother Nature, I can almost see her staring back and asking what’s wrong. No matter really as I don’t have much to say other than a simple question.

Are these thoughts exclusive to mankind?

Life V 3.1

Yeah, we’ve another update. A mysterious one it is too. (much has been edited btw) Hemingway recommended you have a drink as you write. He never said don’t over do it.

I hope to describe the details, with minimal detail. A bit of a mental test. I’ll see if I remember the reasons at a later date. And keep it as short as possible.

Now what was I thinking?

Thoughts, times, events, pain, and sorrow. Joy and aggravation. Each of those and a few more are all in extremes. A normal, simply doesn’t seem to exist.

1. Extreme happiness, the one you don’t have to look for deep within as it rises to the surface so quickly, It’s a rare element/synapse really. In the blink of an eye, poof! I need to find more of this ‘stuff’ Dad.

2. Sorrow! It hits hard. It has a seemingly endless pain. The tears of sorrow and the tears of happiness all taste the same.

3. Working, being productive and having a feeling of accomplishment. I need to have a purpose in this new life of mine.

Love and Hope

This is empathy, compassion and more understanding a man, any human should have to experience at his age.
His eyes show his soul so very well. I’ll never forget this post. His eyes are haunting.

The image of the child musician crying was classified as one of the most emotional photographs of modern history.

This photo was taken of a 12-year-old Brazilian boy (Diego Frazzo Turkato), playing the violin at the funeral of his teacher who rescued him from the environment of poverty and crime in which he lived.

In this image, humanity speaks with the strongest voice in the world:
“Cultivate love and kindness in a child to sow the seeds of compassion. And only then you will build a great civilization, a great nation “.
( Photographer: Marcos Tristao )

Retirement, I’m Not Impressed

I don’t work as hard as I should. I don’t think as hard as I should. Too much time not being productive at something.

I haven’t looked for a job in so many decades, I don’t know what it’s like but I’m about to find out. This current life just has to come to an end while I still have a bit of sanity.

I guess working on finding work is work right?