Riley Howell

May you rest in peace Mr Howell. May your family find comfort… somehow, someway. You were a great man. You shouldn’t have been wearing the shoes you wore that day.

You aren’t with us anymore and we’re all poorer for not having the chance to know you better.

I’m sorry. The world is a lesser place without you. God Bless my friend. You’re heart was where it should have been.

Bless you. Peace.

The First Amendment!

Well it was probably the First Amendment because when a few guys assembled a couple of years ago they must have thought it was pretty damned important wouldn’t you say? So important, it was the First one they penned in the United States Constitution.
Saying you don’t like a person because of their race, religion etc. is really no big deal. You don’t like me because I’m a middle class (insert color, sex, etc. etc. here) that’s a card carrying member of Religion X who votes for Party Y? Who cares! And that would include me btw.
That said, threatening someone (like me or a group of like me’s) isn’t exactly free speech now is it! You’ve crossed that invisible line. I’d explain it if you don’t understand but please don’t ask. If you don’t get it, well you just aren’t wrapped too tight.
They’re just words! If you get it or not, here’s a 21minute video for for you to watch. Yeah, Zappa got it right. 30 plus years ago.


hmm. Where do I start? With the exception of a few times where I need a hand, I’m pretty much on my own with this thing again. On the surface I’d like a partner to bounce an idea off of on occasion but deep down, I think I’m where I’m supposed to be. A team player I think I am but at the same time I have difficulties with it. Hard to explain really.

I get to a level of comfort as everyone does I guess be it inner satisfaction, wealth etc. If I make much more I’ll lose the personal level of communication with my customers. If I make any less I’ll be working for someone else. lol

Like water. It’ll always seek a certain level. Any smaller I’ll die of thirst. Any larger and I’ll lose sight of a picture that I need to keep in my sight.

Very difficult to explain but I know I’m where I think I’m supposed to be. Where I should be.


It’s always the subject line in my favorite emails from my father. I smiled a little when I thought of it for the same purpose here. My Mother and Father are that really bright spot in my sky. They always have been. They always will be.

My thoughts these past weeks have kept me up until sunrise more than once. Tonight may very well be one more to add to the list.

“Compassion and humanity can and will survive only as long as we can see the mystery in another’s eyes, the lips that are smiling, the tears running down another’s cheek.”

Thank you both so very much.

To Commissioner Kinnard

No, I will not obey you or your laws.

There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What’s there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers.”

Ann Rand