Since I had my first PSA test in 2014 my levels were high. A 4 is cause for concern, mine have never been below a 10 for 8 years. Often going over 15 but back down again. The Doc monitored them often and although they were high they were stable and nothing felt or looked out of place. Out of caution and or to ding my insurance company my Doc suggested an MRI in October of 21. The physical outcome was good but the mental trip of anguish I experienced going through the tunnel was beyond frightening. I’ve done a pretty good job in training myself to just shut down. Rather like passing out on command. I did just that for the MRI but I went for a trip to places I shouldn’t have gone and parts of me never made it back. To this day it’s the most frightening experience I’ve ever personally encountered and the event still haunts me… often!
April of 22 I had another scan done but a different type. This one I didn’t fare so well with physically but the mental trip like the last one wasn’t so bad. Having been mis-diagnosed 3 previous times in my life with various types of cancer, I didn’t rule out another false positive but in the back of my mind I knew my luck had run out. I was correct.