of sorts. Fueled by a proper amount of Bulleit. Too little wouldn’t have gotten me to this destination. Too much would have just muddied up the journey. I’m at the perfect depth, of that wonderful little rabbit hole I find myself in so often.
I’m not going to die a rich man, but I’ll not die a poor man either. I’ve become a member of a tribe that’s grown far too large. I should have been a member of one much smaller. One where each member had something to give to others. No payment other than what another member’s talent may have had to give in return. No money exchanged, just swapping talents. I’ll gather the food (for the vegans lol), the wood and build the fire for another to cook. You get the idea I hope.
Too small a group/tribe and there isn’t enough variety in talent to maintain the small but self sufficient group. Too many members, leads to repetition of talents which leads to competition, which in turn leads to greed, which leads to power and more greed! The very same domino effect that will be the end of everything all of us now know today.
I’m so effing sick of all of this greed and living a life chasing the almighty dollar. It’s not worth any of it!
Why is it that we are the only carbon based life form that requires a payment for existence? Why can’t we just be ‘beings’. All here for the other beings safety, comfort, existence?
If there was ever this utopia, could I be the distiller? The pondering story teller that went deep into the woods collecting the wood to help create comfortable abodes for others? I’d prefer not to be the hunter, just a gatherer that would be willing gleefully to share with others?